
I am a 29 year old male, I have been awarded the degree of  Bachelor in Islamic Studies Department from International University of Africa in Khartoum-Sudan, having certificate from High Institute of Zakat Sciences in Khartoum, having skill in computer application webmaster (CMS WordPress and Joomla), having skill in Arabic, both written and oral and also operating computer literate.  

Personal Details
Full Name : Gozali Sudirjo
Place, Date of Bird : Bandung, December, 1980
Office Address : Jl. Subang-Bandung Km. 12 Tambak Mekar, Jalan Cagak-Subang 41281
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :

Educational Background
1. Post Graduated (Magister Program) Research Centre and African Studies International University of Africa, Theology Department in Khartoum;

2. Course Height Institute of Zakat Sciences, Khartoum
3. Graduated from International University of Africa, Islamic Studies Department in Khartoum;
4. Islamic Studies and Arabic Language Institute (LIPIA) in Jakarta;

Training and Courses
1. Training Leadership in Tasikmalaya (1997);
2. Journalistic Training in Tasikmalaya (1997);
3. Computer Course At-Thulab in Tasikmalaya (1998);
4. Journalistic Training from Communication Sciences Institute (STIKOM) in Bandung (1998);
5. Management Training Bina Insan Kamil in Jakarta (2000);
6. Mental Arithmetical Training Adil Sempoa Mandiri (ASMA) in Jakarta (2001);
7. Journalistic Training el-Nilein in Khartoum (2004);
8. Journalistic Training el-Nilein part 2 in Khartoum (2006);
9. Journalistic Training Education Department Indonesian Student Union in Sudan-Khartoum (2007);
10. Fiqh Zakat Contemporary Training, from High Institute of Zakat Sciences in Khartoum (2007).
11. Hypo teaching Training in As Syifa Islamic Boarding School (2010)
12. Multiple Intelligence Training from GLC (Global Learning Indonesia) in As Syifa Islamic Boarding School (2010)

Organization and Work Experience
1.Editorial Staff As-Shahwah Magazine in Tasikmalaya (1998);
2.Secretary el-Nilein Magazine in Khartoum (2002-2003);
3.Editorial Staff Khazanah Journal in Khartoum (2002-2003);
4.Join with Community (2007);  
5.Part Time Translator Arabic News from Arabic language to Indonesian Language in Khartoum (2008);
6.Part time Translator Arabic Books from Arabic language to Indonesian Language al-Itshom Press in Jakarta (2008-Now);
7.Part time Translator Arabic Books from Arabic language to Indonesian Language Fitrah Robbani in Bandung (2010-Now);
8.Part time Webmaster making use of Content Management System (CMS) WordPress and Joomla at institution and organization in Khartoum (2009).
9.Teacher Islamic Studies in SMPIT As Syifa Boarding School Subang West Java (2010-now)
10.Resource person in el-Shifa FM Subang West Java (2010-now)

1.Arabic language (both written and oral);
2.Columnist and correspondent;
3.Excellent verbal and communication skills;
4.Creative thinker with strong interpersonal;
5.Communication and organizational skills;
6.Discipline, hard working and responsible;
7.Computer Literate (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point);
8.Design and Layout (MS Publisher, Adobe Page Maker, Adobe Photo Shop);
9.Computer Application Content Management System (CMS) WordPress and Joomla.

Eruditions, translates and belles-lettres
1.Mini thesis to obtain bachelor degree by title “Ishlaahu Ad Dzaat Fii Suurah Al Ashr” and “Aaroo Al ‘Ulama Al Muslimun Fii At Tarbiyah” the two of them in Arabic language.
2.“Porsi Seimbang Dalam Pendidikan, Konsep Keabadian” and other articles (El-Nilein Magazine, 2005).
3.“Pesona Kaum Hawa” (Percikan Iman Magazine (MaPI) in Bandung, July 2006).
4.“Problematika Umat Abad Ini” (Islamic Study Discus) in Banjaran-Bandung, 2005).
5.“Zakat Dan Kesejahteraan Umat; Studi Analisa Kiprah Dan Peran Zakat Di Sudan”, Khazanah Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2006.
6.“Zakat Realita Kesejahteraan Umat; Menimba Pengalaman Dari Negeri Sudan”, (, August 25-September 8, 2006).
7.“Zakat Kontemporer Di Indonesia; Peluang Dan Tantangan”, (Discus Education Dept. Indonesian Student Union in Sudan, June 29,  2007).
8.“Zakat Dalam Ranah Khatulistiwa; Refleksi 8 Tahun Pengelolaan Zakat Di Indonesia”, El-Nilein Magazine, Edition part 24, April 2008.
9.“Tajarib Indunisiya fi Majal al Zakat”, (Seminar on Fiqh Zakat Contemporary, in High Institute of Zakat Sciences, Khartoum, June 7, 2008).
10.Film Translated from Arabic language to Indonesian language by title “Amru bin Ash Sang Penakluk Mesir” (Nasrun Production, 2006).
11.Belles-lettres (Ramadlan di Kota Mode, Never Say Die! and Mentari Negeri Sakura), Sahara Magazine in Khartoum, 2005).
12.And Book translated (Al-Syakhsiyah al-Muslimah Kamaa Yashughuha al-Qur’an wa as-Sunnah) Dr. Muhammad Ali al-Hasyimi, by title “Pribadi Seorang Muslim” (al-I’tishom Cahaya Umat Jakarta, -material in process), ect

Hobbies and Interest
Reading, Writing, Blogging, Listening Nasyid, Discus, Design Garfish, Culture and Religion, Tourism, Education, Philosophy and Psychology.

Fiqh Zakat, Dr. Yusuf al-Qoradhawy;
Ishlahu ad-Dzat, Dr. Akram Ridha;
Fiqh Sunah, Sayid Sabiq
Jaddid Hayatak, Muhammad Ghazaly
Al-Syakhsiyah al-Muslimah Kamaa Yashughuha al-Qur’an wa al-Sunnah, Dr. Muhammad Ali Al-Hasyimi.

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